Trigger Point Injections

Evia Medical Center

Integrative Medicine & Acupuncture located in Smithtown, NY

If you suffer from concentrated muscle pain or inflammation, as well as fibromyalgia, trigger point injections (TPI) can provide targeted relief. The experienced team of physicians at Evia Medical Center offer trigger point injections at their office in Smithtown, New York, as part of an integrative approach to pain management. Call today to book a consultation and start experiencing pain relief.

Trigger Point Injections Q & A

What are trigger point injections (TPI)?

Trigger point injections (TPI) are injections of pain-relieving medications or steroids directly into points in your muscle that are causing pain. These points, called trigger points, are areas of muscle that do not relax and form a muscle “knot” that you can feel under your skin. TPIs are used for knots in the arms, legs, lower back, and neck that do not go away and cause persistent pain.

TPIs are also used to treat myofascial pain -- chronic pain and inflammation in the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles -- as well as fibromyalgia and sciatica.

Trigger point injections are generally not the first line of treatment. Rather, they are used when other forms of treatment are not successful.

What happens during a trigger point injection?

Trigger point injections are a very quick procedure. Your doctor at Evia Medical Center cleans the area and applies a topical anesthetic to the skin to make the actual injection less painful.  Then, your doctor injects medication directly into the area of the “knot” or pain. If you experience mild pain after the injection, your doctor will recommend using ice, heat, or an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or naproxen.

The injection contains a local anesthetic, which will numb the injection area for about an hour. The injection mainly includes a corticosteroid that reduces the inflammation in the trigger point. It may take several days for the internal inflammation to fully decrease before you feel permanent relief. The steroid remains active in the area for about one month.

How frequently do you need trigger point injections?

Optimally, a trigger point goes away after one injection. The isolated knot is resolved and you no longer feel pain in that area. However, if you are receiving TPI for a chronic condition such as fibromyalgia or myofascial pain (such as plantar fasciitis in the foot), you may need additional treatments due to an ongoing underlying problem causing pain.

Trigger point injections can offer targeted pain relief to patients experiencing muscle pain. The professionals at Evia Medical Center determine whether TPI injections are the best course of treatment for your condition. Call today to book a consultation.